November 23, 2024

Jeremiah 50, Proverbs 10:16-32, 1 John 3:19-24 to 4

What God said to me – There was a time when I used the great nation of Babylon to punish My people, Israel, and to judge them for their immorality and idolatry and unfaithfulness to Me.  But in My mercy I told them through My prophet, Jeremiah, that they would be in captivity for seventy years.  During this great trial and tribulation My people repented and returned to Me and began to look forward with great anticipation to the day when I would bring them home.  But then things seemingly went from bad to worse – I sent another nation to judge Babylon and to conquer them and My people who had already been held captive for nearly seventy years were now held captive by another nation.  It seemed to them that their troubles and trials were never going to end.  In their fear and  grief and weeping they cried out to Me and turned their faces toward Me and held fast.  It was just this disastrous turn of events that I used to save them and bring them home.  So, when you look at the world and it seems that things are getting exponentially worse, do as they did, and in your fear and grief and weeping cry out to Me and turn your face toward Me and hold fast.  Your redemption draws closer each moment.

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