2 Chronicles 10-11, Proverbs 29:1-14, Matthew 11:16-30What God said to me – “I AM” sovereign. If nothing else, cling to this one truth. It is the hope and the source of faith that nothing is happening in the world or in your life that I have not ordained so you can have peace and joy, not just in spite of what is going on, but because of what is going on. When Solomon’s son, Rehoboam, became king and followed ungodly advice, the kingdom of Israel split. It seemed like disaster had struck and yet that turn of events was from Me, to fulfill My word and accomplish My purpose. So, whether you are looking at national and global events or just your own life and the lives of those you love, cling to My sovereignty knowing that “I AM” at work to fulfill My word and accomplish My purpose, even when you can’t see or understand. Trust that “I AM truly working all things for your good and My glory.