2 Chronicles 12-13, Proverbs 29:15-27, Matthew 12:1-21
What God said to me – Rehoboam, Solomon’s son, became king of Judah after him. During his seventeen year reign there were times when he sought Me and followed Me, but more often than not, he went his own way. Like so many people, he did what he wanted and went his own way until he got into trouble and then he would cry out to Me for help. Rehoboam did evil because he did not set his heart on Me. What about you? Is your heart set on Me or do you, like Rehoboam, do what you want until you get into trouble and then you turn back to Me? Sadly, this up and down, back and forth spiritual walk is true for most of My children. This consistent time with Me is necessary to set your heart on Me and avoid being like Rehoboam. You cannot be steadfast and faithful in your walk without spending much time with Me and in My word – that is what this lifelong conversation is all about.