2 Chronicles 16-17, Proverbs 30:17-33
What God said to me – In football – or in any sport for that matter – the winner is not the one who is ahead at the beginning of the game, but the one who is ahead at the end. Spiritually there are many of My children who started off strong but then faltered as they began to depend on themselves and others rather than Me. Look at the example of Judah’s King Asa – early on when they were attacked by a million-man army from Ethiopia, he cried out to Me knowing they had no chance, and I saved them. But later when they were facing an invasion, Asa turned to an enemy and made a treaty through bribery. Judah was saved, but they missed out on the blessing I had intended had they relied on Me. I long for My children to follow Me wholeheartedly and to trust Me wholeheartedly so I can bless them. I look for those whose heart is completely Mine so I can support them and help them in their distress – so I can build them up and encourage them. If you want to finish well you must always be pressing on toward the mark and in the end you will hear “well done.”