2 Chronicles 32, Ecclesiastes 8, Matthew 21:1-27
What God said to me – The enemy, Satan, is a great deceiver and in these last days he is causing a great delusion to fall upon the world. One tactic he is using is to try to convince the world that all “gods” are the same – that people are all worshiping Me but calling Me by different names – Buddha or Krishna or Allah, etc. – so it doesn’t matter “who” they worship because they are all the same. Sennacherib the king of Assyria tried a similar tactic when his armies were besieging Jerusalem. He tried to convince the people of Jerusalem that their God was the same as the “gods” of the nations he had defeated so they better surrender or face the same fate. The problem for Sennacherib was that My people knew Me personally and they knew that “I AM” God Almighty, the one true God and the “gods” of the other nations were the work of men’s hands and nothing more. King Hezekiah and the people of Judah turned to Me for their deliverance and I saved them. Never forget that your deliverance – your help in time of trouble – is not a “god”, or an army, or a medicine, or money, or success, or anything else but Me – God Almighty – the One True God – the Great “I AM”.