2 Chronicles 33, Ecclesiastes 9, Matthew 21:23-46
What God said to me – There are people in your life that you think are never going to change – they’ll never give up their sin – they’ll never be saved no matter what happens to them or how bad things get. But you are not Me – you don’t know who “I AM” going to save or when “I AM” going to do it. Look at Manasseh – he was one of the evilest kings of Judah ever. He worshipped idols and even set them up in My temple. He sacrificed his sons to idols and practiced witchcraft, and he misled his nation – My people – into these same evil practices. But then I judged him severely and, in his distress, this evil man everyone thought was beyond redemption turned to Me and acknowledged Me as God – he humbled himself and repented and went to work to reverse the damage he had done to his nation. So, learn from Manasseh’s example. Your sin is never so great that I won’t forgive when you humbly repent and no one is beyond redemption.