Deuteronomy 4, Psalms 51, Acts 8:25-40
What God said to me – I put you where I put you for a reason so look around you – who are the people you associate with – who are the people you come into contact with? You don’t have to go to a foreign land to be a missionary – you have a mission right where you are – to those you encounter each day. How are you doing? When I wanted Philip to minister to the Ethiopian eunuch, I put him there and Philip used the circumstances to engage him in conversation and share the gospel. When he was done I took Philip away to Azotus and he didn’t miss a beat. He believed I moved him so he could share with those who were there so he continued to minister where he found himself. So look around you – listen to those you encounter – use their concerns and cares or joys and triumphs as a hook to engage them and share the good news of My love and faithfulness.