Joshua 22-23, Psalms 77, Acts 27:1-26
What God said to me – When you raise your voice to Me in prayer, I hear you. But I know that when you have prayed and prayed about something or someone for so long and yet you see no answer, it is difficult not to become discouraged or to feel like “I AM” rejecting you. It is easy to say “what’s the use” and quit praying but that is exactly the wrong response. My mercy never ceases, and I never withdraw My compassion from My children. When you find yourself in this position and sinking into despair, you must stop and remember. Remember all I have done in the past. Meditate on My works. Remind yourself of My sovereignty and that My plan and timing are perfect, and then worship. When you worship Me in Spirit and in Truth your focus moves from your circumstances to My holiness and power and sovereignty – then you will be restored to peace and joy as you set your mind on things above and you can pray in faith once more.