August 14, 2024

Judges 6-7, Psalms 81, Galatians 2:17-3:1-29

What God said to me – There are no sadder words in scripture than “I have given them over” to their sin – to walk their own way and to reap their consequences.  You are living in this present evil age where that is happening.  Society as a whole is rejecting Me – rejecting My word – rejecting My standards for living.  You are beginning to see the consequences of this as society is reaping the awful fruit that was sown by their sin.  It will continue to get worse as society breaks down.  When “I AM” removed there is no standard by which to live and everyone goes their own way and they live according to their own conscience and beliefs.  They fail to realize that apart from Me the heart is desperately wicked and that to live a life of peace and joy requires a changed heart.  Only I can change a heart.

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