2 Chronicles 31, Ecclesiastes 7, Matthew 20
What God said to me – Have you ever taken a test that you failed miserably because you blew it off and didn’t take the time to prepare or study beforehand? You knew the test was coming but there were so many other things you enjoyed and wanted to do that you put it off until it was too late. I have told you that in your life you will have tribulation – trials will come! So, what are you doing to prepare – to study so you are ready? That is what this time is for – to teach you – to train you – to prepare you. You’ve heard people say that they don’t like to hear sermons or to study about patience because then God let’s all these bad things happen to teach them to be patient. But in reality, it’s the opposite – because I know there are things coming in your future that will be difficult to endure, I preemptively teach you what My word says so you will be prepared for what I know you are going to encounter. I shared with My disciples about My betrayal, arrest, trial, crucifixion, and resurrection to prepare them – so they wouldn’t be surprised or frightened and yet they faltered. So, learn from their failure – take this time with Me seriously. Listen, not just with your ears, but with your heart and mind. Be alert for opportunities to practice what I teach you so you are prepared for whatever you may encounter.