Deuteronomy 14:1-17:20 What God said to me – You are My child. I have separated you and all of My children from the world. You are My treasure and “I AM” your God and Father. Honor Me. Worship Me. Spend much time with Me and in My word for as you do, you learn to …
Category Archives: Deuteronomy
July 7, 2021
Deuteronomy 12:1-13:18 What God said to me – “I AM” God and I alone am worthy of your praise and worship. I desire your worship but I will not share your devotion. You must love Me with all of your heart and soul and mind and strength. Stay close to Me. Don’t let anything else …
July 6, 2021
Deuteronomy 8:1-11:32 What God said to me – My eyes are continually on you because I care for you. You are Mine. I long for you to have your eyes continually on Me . . . always looking to Me for your every need. “I AM” your provider. I give you all you need for …