March 20, 2024

Colossians 1-4

What God said to me – You received Me by trusting and faith and that is the way you are to continue in your walk.  In order to do this you must be firmly rooted in Me and built up in Me.  To be rooted in Me and established in your faith you must be in My word – there is no other way.  When you neglect My word you have difficulty hearing My voice and you become susceptible to the vain philosophies of the world and you are easily deceived.  These things may have the appearance of wisdom so you can easily be sucked in if you are not grounded in Me and My word.  When you are consistently in My word and seeking to hear from Me and to be taught by Me you can discern the inconsistencies in those things.  Set you mind on things above and allow Me to renew your mind with true knowledge and wisdom.

March 19, 2024

Philippians 1-4

What God said to me – Very few are content today.  Are you content with where I have you?  The secret to contentment is knowing Me and trusting Me.  When you truly trust Me, you understand that whatever circumstances you find yourself in you know that “I AM” with you and “I AM” working out My plan for your life.  “I AM” training you and teaching you to walk by faith and not by sight.  “I AM” teaching you that true contentment and peace come not from favorable circumstances, but from My presence.  When you are discontent, either you are not where I want you to be, or you are not trusting My sovereignty in your life – either way you must repent and come back to Me in trust and faith that “I AM” at work in you for your good and My glory.

March 18, 2024

Ephesians 4-6

What God said to me – The world is being deluded by the enemy.  Because they have turned away from Me, they have opened the door.  You are in a battle but your battle is not against flesh and blood but is against powers and world forces that you cannot see or fully understand.  That is why you must stay close to Me and in My word.  Consciously put on My armor every day.  Ask for wisdom and discernment so you can understand how to respond when you face not only blatant sin but also the subtle things all around you that are actually rebellion against Me.  This outright flaunting of sin did not happen overnight.  It began with a subtle turning away. Be alert so you don’t succumb to the delusion.  Stay close to Me – it is the only way to keep from falling.