March 17, 2024

Ephesians 1-3

What God said to me – Do you want to be like Me?  Then be kind.  Kindness is probably not one of the attributes you think about when you think about Me, but I demonstrate kindness continually to My children.  It was because of My kindness that I predestined you to adoption as My child.  It was because of My kindness that I made known to you the mystery of My will.  It was because of My kindness that I sent My Son and extended My grace to you for salvation.  So as you walk with Me I want you to be kind to those you encounter.  Let your reputation among men be one of kindness.  When you are kind you show them what I look like.  People may not always accept your kindness – they didn’t accept Mine – but you can know that “I AM” pleased with you.

March 16, 2024

Galatians 4-6

What God said to me – You cannot reason people who don’t know Me out of sin because they truly have no concept of spiritual things.  They cannot possibly understand them because spiritual things are spiritually discerned.  My Spirit within My church has kept the blatant sin in society in check for a long time.  But as the church began to move away from Me and become conformed to the world rather than to Me, sin exploded.  Much of the church today is no longer My church and rather than keeping sin in check, it is openly accepted.  You can’t argue about sin and holiness with people who have no concept of such things.  What you can do is pray and live in holiness before them.  Most will reject you and your beliefs. But there are still a few who will respond.  Stay faithful – “I AM” coming.

March 15, 2024

Galatians 1-3

What God said to me – Paul told the Galatians a long time ago that I gave Myself to rescue them from this present evil age.  This is still true today.  As you look around at all the sin and chaos in the world, don’t become anxious.  Remember this promise – “I AM” coming to rescue you.  It is not a pipe dream or a hope when you are afraid of what is happening in the world.  It is truth!  Look forward to that day.  Long for that day.  Pray for that day.  Live for that day.  Knowing that “I AM” coming for you should change the way you live.  This present age is evil and getting more so by the minute.  Pray constantly.  Seek Me continually.  Cling to Me.  Taking a stand is now coming at a price but don’t let that deter you.