April 22, 2024

Genesis 24, Job 13, Mark 8:22-38

What God said to me – I go before you and behind you.  You are Mine and I go behind you for your protection, so you can be assured that whatever you encounter, it has gone through Me first and I have a purpose for it in your life.  I go before you to lead you and when you are faithful to follow Me, you can have the assurance that you are exactly where I want you to be.  Walking this way in faith, trusting My plan and direction changes your question from Why? to What?  What am I doing?  What am I trying to teach you?  What do I want you to do or not to do?  When you begin to look at your life in this way it will totally change the dynamic of your life and your walk with Me.  Your faith will grow, and our relationship will deepen as your perspective changes.

April 21, 2024

Genesis 22-23, Job 12, Mark 8:1-21

What God said to me – No matter how often you have experienced My faithfulness in your life when you are faced with trials and difficulties it is easy to panic and doubt.  Look at My disciples – both times after I fed thousands they immediately forgot and panicked in their present circumstances.  You are no different.  It is important for you to take time to recount the times I have been faithful and taken care of you and to express your gratitude to Me.  This is especially important as you face new trials because it will build your faith and help you to trust Me in your present circumstances.  Not only will you experience peace in the midst of turmoil, but you will be looking expectantly to Me to do a work.  Never forget I will never leave you or forsake you and “I AM” always at work for your good and My glory.

April 20, 2024

Genesis 20-21, Job 11, Mark 7

What God said to me – People today spend so much time obsessing about their body – how they look – how they feel – what they are going to eat – what they are not going to eat – what are they going to wear.  While it is important to live a healthy lifestyle and to reflect Me in the way you dress and carry yourself, that should never be your focus.  You should spend much more time and effort into what you put into your heart and mind.  You will never reflect Me outwardly if you do not encounter Me inwardly.  You must not only spend time with Me in My word and prayer but you must constantly guard your heart and mind from ungodly influences in what you see and watch and read.  Evil and ungodliness come from the heart.  This should be the focus of your life, not your outward appearance or possessions.