February 29, 2024

Acts 24-26

What God said to me – To have a good reputation among men is a good thing but it is not always possible.  What is a good reputation before Me and other believers is quickly becoming an affront to the world because they have chosen ungodliness.  Because of this you cannot always control what your reputation is in the world.  Strive for a good reputation but never compromise your beliefs to attain it.  What you should do is strive for a blameless conscience before Me and before men.  A blameless conscience is the natural result of walking faithfully with Me in obedience.  I will guide you in your interactions and responses as you encounter or confront other people.  When you respond as I direct and not in anger or in the flesh you will maintain a blameless conscience. 

February 28, 2024

Acts 21-23

What God said to me – I have a plan that “I AM” carrying out for your life and for the world so when you are going along in your life and something unexpected happens, good or bad, look up.  Look to Me to find out what “I AM” doing.  You can have faith that “I AM” using this to move you to where I want you to be and “I AM” at work in your life through it.  It didn’t look good for Paul when he was attacked and beaten for following Me but I rescued him and used those very circumstances to move him where I wanted him and expanded the audience who heard the gospel because of it.  You too can trust when “I AM” taking you through great trials that “I AM” expanding the audience you will be able to minister to and to share the gospel as a result.  “I AM” at work in you always.

February 27, 2024

Acts 18-20

What God said to me – During Paul’s day the world was in turmoil because it was in a state of transition.  My church was being established and so idolatry was in a state of decline as people turned away from idols to Me.  I was also temporarily turning away from the Jewish people as they rejected Me and their responsibility to lead the world to Me and I turned to the church to take up that responsibility.  Most people do not readily accept change and so it was a tumultuous time.  The same is true today.  The world is again in a time of transition.  Time is coming to an end and “I AM” preparing to remove My church and give people over to a world of their own making.  There is more and more chaos and turmoil as they turn away from Me and go their own way.  In the face of all of this you must remain faithful and trust that “I AM” carrying out My plan in the perfect way in the perfect time.