February 26, 2024

Acts 16-17

What God said to me – In these days of confusion and chaos you will hear many different messages from many different quarters.  Many people just accept them as true because they speak of equity and fairness and love.  But don’t just accept them as true but be as the Bereans and search My word diligently to see if what they are saying is really true.  Spend much time examining My word and studying diligently.  Ask for My Spirit to teach you and show you what is true so you can stand strong.  Pray for a spirit of discernment so you can rightly divide the word of truth and apply it accurately.  As you do this regularly you will come to the place where you can immediately discern the truth from false teachings.  My word and My Spirit will keep you from falling away when you faithfully seek Me and My truth.

February 25, 2024

Acts 13-15

What God said to me – You live in a difficult time.  Things have changed so rapidly within society there is much chaos and confusion.  It is more important than ever that you remain steadfast and stand on My word.  To be able to do that you must spend much time reading and studying My word and praying without ceasing.  You are My light in a world that is rapidly becoming dark.  If My people no longer shine as a light for Me, there is little hope for a world that already feels hopeless.  One thing you must do continually is to strengthen souls of other believers and encourage them to remain steadfast also.  Time is coming to an end – don’t lose hope – remain faithful to the end.  “I AM” with you always.

February 24, 2024

Acts 11-12

What God said to me – When you end up in a totally unexpected place in an unexpected way,  look to Me to see what “I AM” doing because no where is unexpected to Me and I use whatever means are necessary to get you to where I want you to be.  Those who were scattered because of the persecution that occurred in connection with Stephen were at first distraught.  But as they continued to walk with Me I used them to spread the gospel in previously unheard-of areas and My church began to grow.  I will use you in the same way as you walk in obedience no matter where you find yourself or how much difficulty you are facing.  In the commission I gave before I left the earth I said as you are going, make disciples.  Wherever you find yourself, the commission is still the same.