February 17, 2024

John 13-15

What God said to me – I have given you a Helper, My Spirit to live in you.  When you are studying My word and you don’t understand, then ask for understanding.  He is your teacher and longs to reveal truth to you.  When you are in a situation and you don’t know what to do or say, then ask for direction.  He is there to lead and to guide you into all understanding.  He will show you where you should go and give you the words to say.  When you are overwhelmed with worry or concern or grief and you don’t even know how to pray, He is there praying on your behalf bringing you concerns before Me.  He is there to help you in your walk and to grow the fruit of the Spirit in your life as you yield to His leadership.

February 16, 2024

John 11-12

What God said to me – When I raised Lazarus from the dead many of the Jews who were there and saw it believed in Me.  Did you catch that – “many” not “all”?  How is that possible?  You would think upon witnessing such a miracle that everyone there would have believed, but they did not.  You don’t get it because you are My child and you are open to what I do and say.  However there are many in the world who are so hardened that nothing you or I do or say will change them.  Only I can change a heart, but each person must make their own choice.  Your responsibility is to be a consistent witness with your words and in your lifestyle and to pray for their hearts to be open and responsive to My Spirit.  You can trust in this truth – all who are Mine will come to Me.

February 15, 2024

John 9-10

What God said to me – I healed the lame and the blind and even raised the dead back to life and yet most did not believe.  So don’t be surprised that people don’t believe you when you testify of Me.  Don’t take it personally because they are not rejecting you, they are rejecting Me.  As the world grows darker and darker you will experience this more and more.  You will find that even the so called “religious” people will discount what you say even when you are speaking the truth of My word.  These are the ones I spoke of who while seeing do not see and while hearing do not hear.  As I’ve told you often – spiritual things are spiritually discerned and those who do not have My Spirit cannot see or hear the truth of My word so when you pray for them, pray they will respond to the drawing of My Spirit.