February 5, 2024

Luke 12-13

What God said to me – Just as gathering clouds warn of the coming rain, there are signs all around you to show time is running out and “I AM” coming as King and Judge.  Society is rapidly turning from Me and all things that are godly and right.  You must spend your time warning those around you.  So many of My children do not walk with Me and have followed after the world.  They will be ashamed at My coming.  Warn them.  Encourage them.  The saddest thing at My coming will be the shame many of My children experience upon seeing Me.  You come along side them now so they might repent and be restored.  You guard each step you take and each thought you think so that you do not fall into the same trap.

February 4, 2024

Luke 10-11

What God said to me – It is so easy to become distracted and to neglect this time together.  Things pop up and things press in and you react and respond and before you know it much of the day has passed and you haven’t sought Me out.  Rarely are the things that take up your time bad things, but most of the time they are “just things”.  Until you truly realize the importance and necessity of this time with Me, “just things” will continue to disrupt your life.  As I told Martha “only one thing is necessary, for Mary has chosen the good part which will not be taken away from her.”  All those other things will pass away, but I will remain.  When you choose to prioritize this time with Me, I will help you to prioritize those things so that you can accomplish what is necessary.

February 3, 2024

Luke 8-9

What God said to me – You are blessed to hear from Me – not everyone does.  There are those who are not Mine who because of their spiritual condition cannot hear from Me because spiritual things are spiritually discerned.  Being born again is being born in the spirit so those who are dead spiritually cannot hear because I speak to your spirit. Then there are those who are Mine who rarely seek Me.  They come in times of trouble crying out to Me, but they don’t really know My voice so it is difficult for them to hear.  I long to speak to My children, but they must also long to hear from Me.  I speak to you through My word and through your spirit.  You must take care in how you listen.  Don’t come with presupposed notions of what I will say or how I will answer your prayers.  Come openly, eager to hear what I have to say even when it is not what you want to hear.