February 2, 2024

Luke 6-7

What God said to me – Your reputation is important, but you can only control so much.  My perception of you is what is truly important.  No matter what people say or do, you be kind, but you also need to stand firm on My word.  Don’t waver in your beliefs.  There are many in these end times who will hate you for it.  You will be called narrow minded, bigoted, out of touch – but you respond with truth and kindness.  You may be ostracized or insulted or called downright evil.  You respond with truth and kindness.  When you do so, your reward in heaven is great.  I will celebrate you for your faithfulness.

February 1, 2024

Luke 4-5

What God said to me – In the midst of all of the craziness and busyness of His life, Jesus Himself would often slip away to the wilderness to pray.  He needed this time alone with Me.  Even though He was My Son when He took on the limitations of being a man, He had to develop a relationship with Me.  He spent much time alone fellowshipping with Me, seeking My wisdom and direction, learning to walk with Me moment by moment.  If He needed this time alone with Me, how much more do you?  How often do you come alone to Me with no distractions just to be with Me – just to learn from Me – just to seek comfort or direction?  This time alone is essential to your walk.  Corporate worship is a wonderful and necessary part of your life, but this time alone is where you truly come to know Me intimately.

January 31, 2024

Luke 2-3

What God said to me – John the Baptist lived in a difficult time in history and people were looking for and longing for the coming of Christ.  They even asked John himself if he was the Messiah.  Now while people were in a state of expectation and wondering, John used the opportunity to point them to Me.  He preached repentance and baptized them, but he pointed them to Me for their salvation.  You live in a difficult time in history and people are looking for and longing for My return.  Use this uncertainty and fear to point them to Me.  When people talk about all the turmoil and instability in politics and the economy and the world situation, use this as the opportunity to talk about the peace and forgiveness they can find in Me.  Like John the Baptist, point them to Me.