1 Timothy 1-6
What God said to me – I know you long for My coming and the judgment of all the evil that is overtaking the world but don’t grow impatient because I will bring these things about at the proper time. In the meantime, you fight the good fight of faith, for that is what it is – a fight. You are in a continual battle against the flesh and forces of evil in this world constantly bombarding you. It would be easy to compromise so you could experience some relief from the constant pressure you feel and the voices that talk about love and acceptance and not judging. However these voices of the world system have no ides what true love and acceptance are all about. The very things they tell you not to be judgmental of are the very things that will bring about their judgment. By your faithfulness and good fight you are taking hold of the eternal life to which you were called. Hold fast to your confession.