January 30, 2024

Luke 1

What God said to me – I never forget My covenant or My people no matter what circumstances may seem like.  “I AM” at work behind the scenes even when no one sees or realizes it.  Faith is trusting and believing that truth even when you can’t see – even when you don’t feel My presence – even when it seems like nothing is happening.  Trust me to work on your behalf.  Trust Me to carry out My plans.  You probably will never have an angel appear to you to lay out My plans for you, but you can trust nevertheless.  You are My child and “I AM” always working on your behalf for your good and My glory.

January 29, 2024

Mark 15-16

What God said to me – The story of My crucifixion and resurrection is so familiar it is easy to rush through it and not really focus on the awe of it or to think you know it so there is nothing else for Me to say or teach you.  Yet it is the firm foundation of all that is to come both in the world and in your life.  It is the foundation on which you are to build your life.  When you find yourself wandering away or stalled in your walk, return here.  Reflect on all I have done and what it means for you and for the world.   Meditate on how different your life is because I lived and died and was resurrected.  I changed you – your past, your present, and your future.  You are what you are because “I AM”.

January 28, 2024

Mark 14

What God said to me – On the night He was arrested, My Son took Peter, James, and John into the garden to watch and pray.  Jesus knew what was coming and felt the urgency to pray.  The disciples, however, fell asleep.  Their spirit was willing but the flesh was weak.  “I AM” now calling you to come aside and pray.  As the end approaches and times are desperate, feel the urgency and come aside and pray.  Pray for My will to be done.  Pray for My kingdom to come in power.  Pray for those who do not know Me to bow before Me before it is too late.  Pray for My people to repent and return to Me.  Your spirit is willing but your flesh is weak.  Don’t let distractions keep you from this urgent calling.  The day is quickly approaching.