September 21, 2024

2 Samuel 14, Psalms 113, Romans 15

What God said to me – Life is hard no matter who you are so everyone needs encouragement in order to be able to persevere.  One of the reasons I gave My word to My people is so that they might learn from the history of what happened to My people – how I was always faithful – how they persevered – how they were triumphant in the end.  These things were written to instruct you and to encourage you and to give you hope.  In the same way I want you to use the testimony of all the things that have happened to you and how I was sufficient through it all to come along side others who are experiencing sorrow or trials and encourage them and give them hope.  One of the most difficult things about sorrow and trials is feeling like you are suffering alone.  When you come along side such a one and give them encouragement and empathy you help them to persevere by demonstrating My love and presence.

September 20, 2024

2 Samuel 13, Psalms 112, Romans 14

What God said to me – One of the blessings for My children who have walked with Me for a long time and who truly know Me and My character is that no matter what happens they will never be shaken.  Bad things happen in everyone’s life but to those who know Me well they don’t fear bad news or disasters that happen because they trust Me.  That is what this time does for you – it makes you steadfast and strengthens your heart as you come to know Me intimately.  Deep within your heart and soul you know and believe that “I AM” in control of every detail and everything that happens to you so no matter what happens you can stand firm and without fear.  I’ve told you often and I will say it again that all that comes your way is for your good and My glory.  Trust in that and stand firm.

September 19, 2024

2 Samuel 11-12, Psalms 111, Romans 14

What God said to me – You’ve heard it said that no man is an island and it is true.  You don’t live your life in isolation.  Your sin or obedience or your beliefs or unbelief don’t just affect you – it affects others – your family – your community – even your nation.  When people declare this is my life or this is my body and I will do with it as I want, they discount the fact that there is not just individual judgment, but there is national judgment for those nations who deny My sovereignty.  When David chose to sin with Bathsheba and have her husband, Uriah, sent to the heat of the battle to be killed, his sin didn’t just affect him or even Bathsheba or Uriah – it also affected his family and his nation.  When you choose ungodliness – even ungodliness that has been declared legal by your nation – you are not just making a personal choice but, you are affecting your family and your country because judgment will fall.  “I AM” holy and I will not be mocked.