September 15, 2024

2 Samuel 3-4, Psalms 108, Romans 12

What God said to me – Today with such polarized opinions and ideas of what is right and wrong it is easy to be a chameleon and change your colors and values depending on who you are with and what they believe in order to be accepted.  You see this hypocrisy displayed all around you especially in the politicians who are willing to say anything for a vote.  However My standards do not change – right is right and wrong is wrong – good is good and evil is evil.  You as My child must stand for this same thing if you are to be pleasing to Me.  You must stand for what is right and good in front of all people no matter who they are or what they believe or the consequences you might experience as a result of your stand.  In this world you may experience tribulation and persecution but be comforted that “I AM” pleased and there is soon coming a day when they will all bow before Me.  You don’t have to “prove” My case – I will do that!

September 14, 2024

2 Samuel 2, Psalms 107:23-43, Romans 11:17-36

What God said to me – If you ask most people they will tell you that persecution and trials and tribulation are bad things and yet that was how the gospel was spread and My church was established worldwide.  Because of the persecution the early church experienced in Israel they fled and shared the gospel in all the places I took them.  Ironically the Jews are now experiencing persecution worldwide and that persecution is causing them to return to Israel in droves and once again My plan is being fulfilled.  My gifts and My calling are irrevocable so no matter how hard the world tries to destroy My people – whether it’s the church or the nation of Israel – it will never happen.  They cannot stop My plan.  “I AM” God Almighty.

September 13, 2024

2 Samuel 1, Psalms 107:1-22, Romans 1:1-24

What God said to me – “Behold then the kindness and severity of God.”  You don’t hear this much in the world today.  People only want to hear and think about My love and kindness.  They don’t want to hear about My severity – My intolerance of sin – My judgment and rejection of people because they refuse to acknowledge Me as Almighty God.  Churches don’t want to emphasize My wrath and judgment for fear of turning people off or not feeling accepted.  As a result people are not confronted with the abomination their sin is to Me – they come for My love and acceptance without ever repenting and turning from their sin.  Without repentance there can be no salvation.  Without salvation there can be no relationship with Me.  Don’t deceive people – love them enough to tell them the truth about their sin and need for repentance and then let Me draw them and save them – that is how I demonstrate My love toward them.