September 12, 2024

1 Samuel 30-31, Psalms 106:24-48, Romans 10

What God said to me – “I AM” a God who keeps all of His promises and never abandons His covenants.  “I AM” faithful and true so you can be assured that you can never lose your salvation or be taken out of My hand.  If you need a sign or assurance, then look at Israel.  According to My covenant the nation of Israel has been re-established and will continue as long as the sun and moon shine.  As I have promised “I AM” drawing its people back from all the places they have been scattered.  Watch as I use the attacks and antisemitism around the world to draw My people back to the land and take comfort that “I AM” fulfilling My promise and carrying out My plans.  Be assured in the same way “I AM” fulfilling My covenant with Israel that I will also fulfill My covenant with you.  I will come again and take you to the place I have prepared.

September 11, 2024

1 Samuel 28-29, Psalms 106:1-27, Romans 10

What God said to me – What do you do when you live in the midst of an ungodly nation who has forgotten or denied all of the ways I have blessed them in the past?  How are you to live in a society that has rejected Me and gone their own way and so is on the verge of total destruction?  Look at the example of Moses.  He did not give up on his people or withdraw from them.  He stood in the breach and prayed.  He prayed for their repentance. He prayed for their return to Me.  He prayed for My grace and mercy.  He called out their sin and warned them of the coming judgment.  So rather than be overwhelmed at all that is happening in society and the hateful rhetoric and ungodliness that is being applauded, you stand in the gap and pray.  Quit looking to those who are running for office to save your nation and turn your focus to Me.  Pray for My will to be done and trust that whatever happens “I AM” in control and working out My plan.

September 10, 2024

1 Samuel 26-27, Psalms 105:23-45, Romans 9:6-33

What God said to me – During Moses time My people were trapped in an ungodly, idolatrous society with ungodly, idolatrous leaders and they cried out to Me for deliverance.   As My deliverance grew closer, their circumstances worsened – Pharaoh blamed them for the plagues and cracked down on them even more.  In hindsight they saw how the plagues eventually brought about their deliverance but when they were in the midst of them, they didn’t see or understand how I could use these bad things for their good.  My people are once again beginning to cry out to Me for deliverance as they are trapped in a society that is becoming more and more ungodly and idolatrous.  You need to be prepared for things to get worse as My deliverance approaches so when you see disease running rampant and natural disasters bringing so much destruction and wars and division abounding don’t be afraid but cry out to Me.  Deliverance is coming not from an election or world leader, but from Me.