September 5, 2024

1 Samuel 18-19, Psalms 102, Romans 6:19-23, 7:1-17

What God said to me – What do you do when you read and read My word crying out to hear from Me and yet nothing comes or you pray and pray and feel like your prayers are not getting through to Me or “I AM” not hearing you?  You start a review – look at your life – at your heart – ask Me to search you and see if there is any wicked way in you and repent of anything I reveal to you as sin.  Then review what you know about Me – “I AM” faithful – I will never leave you or forsake you – I have a plan that “I AM” carrying out that is for your good and My glory –  and then worship – truly worship.  This time together is not just about hearing a word from me or learning something new, it is also about just being in My presence and enjoying spending time together.

September 4, 2024

1 Samuel 17, Psalms 101, Romans 6

What God said to me – I called David and anointed him as king long before there was a coronation or anyone else acknowledged him as king.  He knew who he was and yet he went through years of trials and difficulties before he actually experienced the reality of his calling.  But each thing he went through, as difficult as it was, prepared him and brought him closer to that day.  I called you to be My child – you are a child of the King – and “I AM” in the process of changing you – sanctifying you.  Each trial and difficulty you face is Me at work in you preparing you and transforming you so learn to embrace all as from My hand and for My purpose.  Keeping your calling in the forefront of your mind will help you to be diligent and to persevere in the difficult times.

September 3, 2024

1 Samuel 16, Psalms 100, Romans 6

What God said to me – I called and anointed David to be king long before he actually became king.  So what did he do in the interim before My promise became a reality in his life?  He served faithfully in the areas I placed him and was faithful to minister to those I brought to him – even an ungodly king.  He understood that all that happened to him was preparation for what was to come.  In the same way I have called you to be My child and promised you an inheritance – a kingdom where I will reign and My will is going to be done.  So how are you to live in the interim before My promise becomes a reality in your life?  You are to follow David’s example and serve faithfully wherever I place you and minister to those I bring across your path.  Like David, “I AM” preparing you for what is to come.  So eagerly embrace the blessings and trials in your life because I use them all to transform you day by day until you meet Me face to face.