September 2, 2024

1 Samuel 15, Psalms 99, Romans 5

What God said to me – Pride is a terrible thing and it always leads to a fall.  Like Lucifer who fell trying to raise himself above Me rather than acknowledging that “I AM” God and there is no one like Me, pride is idolatry.  You are replacing Me and My will with yourself.  You are applauding all you have done without acknowledging that all you have and are comes from Me.  Look at Saul who built a monument to himself after I sent him to destroy the Amalekites even though he disobeyed My instructions in what to do.  Then he justified his sin by saying he did it so he could honor Me.  Disobedience, like pride, is also idolatry.  You are putting yourself above Me saying I don’t want to or have to do that.  When you begin to look at your disobedience from this perspective you’ll begin to understand how terrible sin is. I alone am God and worthy of praise and glory and honor – no one is above Me – not even you.

September 1, 2024

1 Samuel 14, Psalms 98, Romans 5

What God said to me – The one thing the world wants is peace – peace among the nations – peace between individuals – peace within themselves.  Sometimes they try to find peace through negotiations.  Other times they try subjugation trying to force people to comply with their beliefs or behavior.  Individuals have tried everything imaginable to end the restlessness and angst and worry that constantly grips their lives.  However there is only one source of true peace and that is Me.  I have made peace with you and for you through My Son Jesus Christ.  Those who are justified by faith can stand in grace and peace and exult in the hope that is to come.  You can have peace knowing that “I AM” in control.  You can have peace knowing that you are My child and nothing can take you out of My hand.  You can have peace knowing that I will never leave you or forsake you.  You can have peace knowing that “I AM” coming for you and you will forever be with Me.

August 31, 2024

1 Samuel 13, Psalms 97, Romans 4:11-25

What God said to me – Waiting for Me to answer your prayers – for My perfect timing is never easy.  It is even more difficult when you see things falling apart.  It is hard not to just step in and try to “fix” it yourself.  That’s exactly what Saul did when Samuel didn’t show up soon enough for him.  He stepped in and tried to “fix” it and his impatience at not waiting for Me cost him everything.  I have a plan that “I AM” carrying out and when you act impatiently because “I AM” not moving fast enough for you, then you are demonstrating your lack of faith and trust in Me and in My sovereignty.  You cannot keep Me from accomplishing My will but your impatience in acting without My direction may cost you the blessing I had planned for you as well as the lessons I was teaching you in the waiting.  This waiting period is not dead time but it is a time I use to teach you and build your faith and our relationship so embrace it.