August 30, 2024

1 Samuel 11-12, Psalms 96, Romans 4:1-17

What God said to me – Samuel lived in a time when his nation was turning away from Me as their King, but he was faithful to warn them of the consequences even when they were determined to go their own way.  He continued to pray for them and instruct them in the good and right way.  He understood that My judgment was not just individual but also national and if they and their leaders rejected My ways and did evil, that both they and their leaders would be swept away.  So you follow Samuel’s example.  Even though you see your nation and its leaders turning away from Me, you continue to take a stand and warn them of the consequences.  You continue to pray and instruct them in the good and right way.  You may be reviled and maligned for your stance and your nation may not turn and be saved from judgment, but some individuals may be so you remain faithful.

August 29, 2024

1 Samuel 9-10, Psalms 95, Romans 3:9-31

What God said to me – People are so arrogant they think they are in control of their lives and that they determine their plans and what happens in society and in doing so they deny My sovereignty as God.  The people of Israel overwhelmingly chose Saul to be their king when they rejected Me as their King.  But what they didn’t realize was that before they chose Saul, I put him in the place to be chosen.  When they chose Saul I gave them over to reap the consequences of their rejection of Me.  As you look at the world today you see that most of the leaders around the world are ungodly and do not honor Me.  So as you face elections and choices and fears for the future of your nation and the world, what are you, My child, to do?  You are to pray – pray without ceasing – and trust that “I AM” in control so whoever comes to power is there according to My sovereign plan.  “I AM working all things together for your good and My glory.

August 28, 2024

1 Samuel 7-8, Psalms 94, Romans 3:1-20

What God said to me – You are living in a time unlike any other.  Society as a whole is abandoning My word and turning from Me.  All you hear and read talks of imminent war and destruction, inflation and recession, and mobs demonstrating with no understanding of what they are purporting.  When you are deluged with all this day after day it is easy to become anxious and depressed and to be overwhelmed with sadness.  I don’t want you to avoid it all or tune it out because you need to know how you should pray and take a stand for what is right, but these things shouldn’t be your focus.  You need to keep your eyes on Me for “I AM” where your help comes from.  Turn to Me for encouragement for “I AM” the source of your hope.  When your anxious thoughts multiply within you “I AM” the source of comfort and consolation.  Turn to Me so I can show you how “I AM” at work carrying out My plan.