August 27, 2024

1 Samuel 5-6, Psalms 93, Romans 2:13-29

What God said to me – Those who are truly My children have been saved by grace through faith and that grace and faith was My gift to those I called so they could believe.  Your good works don’t save you and your good works don’t keep you saved.  But good works are important.  One thing they do is to show that “I AM” at work in you and that you are being obedient to My direction and calling in your life.  People should see your good works and praise Me and if they praise you instead then you use it as an opportunity to share how “I AM” transforming you and directing you in the good works you do.  Conversely, if they know you belong to Me and you are selfish or coarse or greedy or contentious, then My name is blasphemed among them and My reputation is hurt.  Always be aware that you are being watched and judged and it is not just your good name that is at stake, but Mine also.

August 26, 2024

1 Samuel 3-4, Psalms 92, Romans 2:1-16

What God said to me – How do you approach My word?  Do you read it daily so you can mark it off your list like a chore you have accomplished, or do you come with anticipation because you are about to fellowship with Me and hear from Me?  It’s easy to fall into a routine and just walk through it like something you need to do and finish so you can move on to something else.  You need to learn to put everything else aside, not just in your activity, but in your mind.  You need to realize who “I AM” and really grasp what it means that I want to fellowship with you and spend time talking to you and teaching you.  When you truly understand this you will approach this time together with joy and eagerness to spend time with Me.  Like Samuel you will say “speak Lord for your servant is listening.”

August 25, 2024

1 Samuel 2, Psalms 91, Romans 1:16-32

What God said to me – Since the creation of the world, creation itself has testified of My invisible attributes – My power – My divine nature and yet more and more people deny Me and do not honor Me as God.  I have been patient and kind and continued to withhold worldwide judgment in order that all who are Mine can be saved.  The time of My patience is drawing to a close as more and more people refuse to repent and turn to Me.  Society as a whole is turning away from Me and indulging in sin and celebrating evil and giving their hearty approval to those who do the same.  You are seeing the result of this more and more as they fall headlong into their sin, and you are vilified for taking a stand against it.  It’s not an easy time to live in but you have the wonderful opportunity to watch as I carry out My plan and establish My kingdom.  “I AM” at work and will show Myself faithful and true.