August 24, 2024

1 Samuel 1, Psalms 90, Romans 1:1-17

What God said to me – You are trapped in time until I come again and eventually bring an end to time and you step into eternity where “I AM”.  Until then you are limited by time which often seems to fly by and pass so quickly you feel like you have made no impact or wasted so much of it, or it seems to drag on and on as you wait and pray, and nothing seems to be happening.  You need to learn to give over your time to Me and trust that everything I have planned I will carry out in the proper time, both in the world and in your life.  Let me teach you how to number your days and to use each one for My glory.  If you want to present to me a heart of wisdom you need to devote your time to Me now so I can teach you and work in you to conform you to My image.  This time alone with Me is mandatory if you want to do this so don’t neglect it.  Time is truly running out so make the most of what is left.

August 23, 2024

Ruth 3-4, Psalms 89:19-52, 1 Timothy 6

What God said to me – I made a covenant with Abraham where I promised him a land – the land of Israel – and I promised him I would make him a great nation and that I would bless all nations through his line.  I made a covenant with Moses where I promised him that as long as the nation of Israel served Me that I would bless them but if they turned from Me, I would punish them and remove them from the land for a time.  I made a covenant with David where I would establish his descendant on the throne forever.  You are living in the time where you are seeing all of these covenants converging.  My people Israel have returned to the land I promised, and they will never again leave it.  As they face great persecution and tribulation, more and more will return to the land and they will begin to turn back to Me.  So, you pray for Israel.  Pray for them to repent and return to Me as they have to the land.  The final fulfillment of My covenant with David is coming – My Son will return and establish His kingdom on the earth.  Look up your redemption draweth nigh.

August 22, 2024

Ruth 1-2, Psalms 89:1-29, 1 Timothy 5

What God said to me – There is no such thing as a coincidence in the life of My children.  Everything and everyone you encounter is a result of My providential care and plan for your life.  Look at the life of Ruth.  It was no coincidence that she came to glean in the fields of Boaz who was her kinsman redeemer.  I led her there and blessed her and she eventually became the great grandmother of King David and an ancestor of My Son.  I used this “coincidence” to direct her where I wanted her to be so I could fulfill My plan for her life.  So when you experience somewhat of a coincidence in your life turn immediately to Me to see what “I AM” up to – it may be to move you to where I want you – it may be so you can minister to someone unexpectedly or so you can be ministered to.  You must learn to look at every experience and circumstance in your life as from me – for your good and My glory.