August 21, 2024

Judges 20-21, Psalms 88, 1 Timothy 4

What God said to me – I have said in My word that in the last days there is going to be a falling away from the faith.  You can see it happening in the world around you even now.  People will be deceived and deluded into accepting things that My word absolutely forbids and rejecting My word and its truths.  If you are to stand firm and remain faithful you must constantly be nourished on the words of faith and sound doctrine.  It is imperative that you spend much time in My word allowing My Spirit to teach you and transform you.  Godliness comes through discipline and commitment to spending much time with Me and repenting and responding as I direct.  Physical discipline and taking care of your body is good, but it is only temporary.  Godliness is profitable now but also for eternity.  What you believe, what you say, and how you live is important so pay close attention and be diligent, so you show yourself to be an example of godliness to those I bring into your life.

August 20, 2024

Judges 18-19, Psalms 87, 1 Timothy 3

What God said to me – You have a reputation whether you realize it or not.  So, is your reputation bad or good?  Is it the same within the church as it is with those outside the church?  My people should have a good reputation with all people whether they are Christians or not.  You should be known for being respectful and fair and kind to everyone.  You should be known for your generosity and willingness to help others.  You should be known as a hard worker who is trustworthy and faithful.  You should be known to quickly ask for forgiveness as well as to forgive others.  Unfortunately, many who claim to be Mine are no different than those who aren’t.  When you are proud or lazy or selfish or coarse or use foul language or lack forgiveness and on and on whatever the sin – you become a snare the devil can use to keep others from Me.  So be diligent in your walk so you are above reproach and your character is beyond question.  Never forget you are to be a reflection of Me in the world so that people are drawn to Me because of the peace and joy and good character they see in you.

August 19, 2024

Judges 16-17, Psalms 86, 1 Timothy 2

What God said to me – It’s easy to pray and give thanks for those you love and for people who are like you and for people you agree with.  It’s much harder to pray for people who are not like you or whose politics are different or who are ungodly and immoral.  But I urge you to pray for everyone.  My Son gave Himself as a ransom for all so pray for everyone to come to know Me.  Pray for everyone in positions of authority knowing that I have put them in that position for a purpose.  Whether they are good leaders or bad leaders I can and will use each one to accomplish My purpose and to fulfill My plan.  So you pray – pray for everyone and everything you see happening in the world.  Pray for conviction, pray for My Spirit to draw them, pray for repentance and salvation.  Pray for My will to be done on earth as it is in heaven.