August 19, 2024

Judges 16-17, Psalms 86, 1 Timothy 2

What God said to me – It’s easy to pray and give thanks for those you love and for people who are like you and for people you agree with.  It’s much harder to pray for people who are not like you or whose politics are different or who are ungodly and immoral.  But I urge you to pray for everyone.  My Son gave Himself as a ransom for all so pray for everyone to come to know Me.  Pray for everyone in positions of authority knowing that I have put them in that position for a purpose.  Whether they are good leaders or bad leaders I can and will use each one to accomplish My purpose and to fulfill My plan.  So you pray – pray for everyone and everything you see happening in the world.  Pray for conviction, pray for My Spirit to draw them, pray for repentance and salvation.  Pray for My will to be done on earth as it is in heaven.

August 18, 2024

Judges 14-15, Psalms 85, 1 Timothy 1

What God said to me – You live in a time when the nations are roaring at each other and threatening war at every turn.  Society is in turmoil and filled with anger and hatred and threats.  It’s easy to get caught up in it all especially when your values and beliefs are belittled and threatened on a daily basis.  If you are not careful, you too can be filled with anger and hatred and respond in kind to those you disagree with.  While I want you to stand firm in your beliefs, it is not My way for you to respond the way the world does.  When you are in the midst of it you need to stop, take a deep breath, and hear what I have to say.  Remember those in the world do not know Me or have My Spirit within them so they respond according to their nature, not Mine.  You, however, are My child and have My Spirit within you so take a stand for righteousness but speak the truth in love and be kind.

August 17, 2024

Judges 12-13, Psalms 84, Galatians 5:22-26 – 6:1-18

What God said to me – Where do you invest your time?  Your money?  Your thoughts?  I have said that you reap what you sow.  As you periodically examine your life you need to consider this truth.  If you are constantly having dissensions and arguments with those you encounter think about what you have sowed to reap these results.  You can’t be argumentative and critical and expect to reap peace and joy in your relationships.  You can’t spend all of your money on frivolous things and then wonder how you could possibly be expected to tithe or invest in My kingdom.  You can’t fill your mind with all manner of evil and immorality from books and movies and television and expect to be able to not fall into sin.  If you want to be holy as “I AM” holy, then you must sow into your heart and mind My word.  Set your mind on things above and not on earthly things.  Your mind and heart are gardens that must be constantly tended to – weeded, fertilized, and sown with good things.