April 12, 2024

Genesis 5-6, Job 3, Mark 2

What God said to me – I judged the world in Noah’s day because the wickedness of man had become too great and every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.  Look around you – listen to the news – read the papers – and you can see it is becoming that way again.  Just as I rescued Noah before the flood because he found favor in My eyes because of his righteousness, I will rescue My church before judgment falls.  That doesn’t mean you won’t face difficulty.  Things will only get worse and worse until that time arrives.  Your responsibility, like Noah, is to live righteously in the midst of an evil and perverse world.  They will hate you because of it but you, like Noah, will find favor in My eyes.

April 11, 2024

Genesis 3-4, Job 2, Mark 1:29-45

What God said to me – Can you imagine a world where people live forever in their sin with no opportunity for redemption?  That is exactly what Adam and Eve were facing when they defied Me and ate of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.  If they had also eaten of the tree of life in that condition they would have lived forever in their sin apart from Me.  But I in My mercy removed them from the garden so they couldn’t do that.  On the surface it may seem punitive but it was actually kindness for Me to remove them from the perfect environment of the garden and cast them into the harsh world.  I protected them from another mistake and provided redemption for them so they could live forever with Me.  Remember this story as you look at the trials you face.  Remember “I AM” merciful and kind to My children and I work all things for their good.  The way I take may not be easy, but it leads to salvation and sanctification and ultimately glorification.  Trust me.

April 10, 2024

Genesis 1-2, Job 1, Mark 1:1-28

What God said to me – What drives you to worship?  When times are good do you worship?  You should. Peaceful times and times of blessing should bring you to your knees in worship acknowledging who “I AM” and that “I AM” the source of all good things.  “I AM” the one who gives you peace when you worship Me in spirit and in truth.  If you are not careful in good times you can slack off in your worship and seeking Me because there seems to be no pressing need.  So in the good times press down and turn to Me constantly to express gratitude for My blessing and provisions.  When times are difficult and bad things happen do you worship?  You should.  Trials and difficulties can cause you to turn toward Me or away from Me.  The trials you encounter should cause you to come running to Me seeking My direction and comfort.  You should cry out to Me for answers.  You should worship Me because “I AM” in control and will work all things for your good and My glory.  Unfortunately sometimes your response is anger or hurt rather than worship and gratitude.  You know “I AM” omnipotent and you are upset because you want Me to keep all bad things from happening to you and your loved ones.  You ask why I let this happen rather than trusting that I have a plan that “I AM” fulfilling.  You must learn to respond in faith and trust by blessing My name and seeking My face.  You must learn to worship no matter the circumstances.