April 9, 2024

Revelation 20-22

What God said to me – There is coming a glorious day when all judgment is done and all sin has been dealt with and all tears wiped away and all your hope is fulfilled.  Look for that day. Pray for that day.  Live for that day.  Keep this in the forefront of your mind in the midst of the evil day you live in.  No matter what you face, focus on this hope and you will be steadfast in your faith.  I will give you peace and joy in the midst of chaos and uncertainty.  No matter what you see happening and no matter how bad things appear, never forget that “I AM” in control and My plan is being carried out before your very eyes.  Don’t focus on all of those things – focus on Me, your hope and salvation.  Your comfort and your assurance is that “I AM” coming for you.

April 8, 2024

Revelation 16-19

What God said to me – “I heard another voice from heaven saying, “Come out of her, My people, so that you will not participate in her sins.””  I say the same thing to you today – come out of the world so you do not participate in their sins.  I know you cannot come out of society physically but you can be in the world but not of it.  You can quit watching the things they watch and reading the things they read and doing the things they do.  You can actively purpose to shield your heart and mind from the ungodly things around you by not exposing yourself to them.  You can actively purpose to spend more time with Me and in My word so you will be prepared to act in a godly way when you are inadvertently exposed to those things.  You are in the midst of a spiritual battle, and this is how you prepare yourself to stand firm.

April 7, 2024

Revelation 12-15

What God said to me – The great apostasy is coming with people turning away from Me in masses.  You are experiencing it’s beginning.  You can see how rapidly things have changed in just the last few years with sin and evil being widely perpetrated and even accepted.  This is just the beginning.  Satan is the great deceiver and when “I AM” purposefully removed from society there is no stopping his access.  My Spirit in My church is what is now keeping that dam from breaking and many in My church have stopped fighting the good fight.  You stand firm.  You remain faithful.  Pray without ceasing because this is truly a spiritual battle the world is facing.  “I AM” coming soon.  You hold fast until then.