April 6, 2024

Revelation 9-11

What God said to me – Just as there is coming a time for My wrath to be released on the world and for the dead to be judged, there is also coming a time to reward those who are Mine and who have served Me faithfully.  That is where you need to keep your focus – not on the evil and chaos happening in the world, but on the hope you have in Me.  “I AM” a rewarder of those who diligently seek Me.  Your reward is not just in the future, but also now.  Today you can walk in joy and peace because you are Mine.  Today you can experience My presence because you are Mine.  Today you can hear My voice and be directed by My Spirit because you are Mine.  Set your mind on things above and not on all that is happening in the world, and you will be rewarded each day.

April 5, 2024

Revelation 6-8

What God said to me – You look around at the world and see so much evil and anger and chaos and you wonder how things could get much worse.  This is just the beginning.  Judgment is coming when I will pour out My wrath on the world and there will be no stopping it.  It will be so awful and horrendous no one will survive apart from My mercy.  Time is of the essence.  You must be a watchman on the wall warning of the impending judgment.  Most people will think you are just a religious nut and disregard what you have to say, but there are still a few who will listen – so stay faithful.  Warn of the coming judgment but also tell of the hope that can be found in Me.  Those who know Me can be saved from this horrible time.  “I AM” coming for My church.  Share while there is still time.

April 4, 2024

Revelation 4-5

What God said to me – Someday soon you will see Me high and lifted up sitting on My throne and your response will be to fall on your face in worship.  It won’t matter to you what I say or do – you will worship.  The thing is – that should also be your response now.  No matter what I say or do, your response should be to fall on your face and worship because you know that no matter what happens in your life “I AM” on My throne and everything you experience is for your good and My glory.  So why don’t you always respond this way?  Could it be that you don’t truly believe it?  Worshipping Me no matter what is going on in your life is a matter of faith.  Whether you see it or not – whether you understand it or not – worship.