March 31, 2024

2 Peter 1-3

What God said to me – Very few people today are diligent in anything -not in their jobs – not in their families – not even in the care of their own bodies.  If you truly want to grow in grace and the knowledge of Me, diligence is required.  You must start with diligence in maintaining this time with Me and being in My word.  No godliness can become evident in your life apart from time with Me and My word.  You’ve got to apply all diligence in making this a priority.  The character qualities that grow out of this time are necessary for you to walk in a manner worthy of your calling.  The ability to discern and avoid destructive heresies come from diligence in spending time with Me and My word.  You must constantly be on guard and disciplined or the cares of day-to-day life will flow in and you’ll push this time aside.  Apply all diligence and you will grow in grace and be pleasing to Me.

March 30, 2024

1 Peter 1-5

What God said to me – You were chosen to be My child and to be sanctified by the work of My Spirit in your life.  If you want to grow in respect to salvation, you must put aside the things of the world that draw you away from holiness and devote time to study My word.  There are things that are necessary in order to live in the world and to prosper but you spend so much of your time on things with no eternal value or consequence. Turn off your television and put down your frivolous reading and open My word more – pray more – seek Me more – minister to others more.  Time spent in My word will prepare your mind for action and it will keep your focus where it needs to be.

March 29, 2024

James 1-5

What God said to me – Do you go about your day moving from one thing to another, figuring out what to do, and then doing it?  There is always something so you do what needs to be done and move on to the next thing.  The problem is as you do this, you don’t engage Me or involve Me.  Even when something is difficult or tiring you just face it head on and grumble and complain all the while.  Don’t compartmentalize Me to your “quiet” time.  Engage with Me moment by moment.  Bring all the things you think need to be done and let Me order your day. I’ll give you wisdom to know what really needs to be done and how to do it.  If something pops up – ask Me what you should do. When you ask Me for wisdom you can know you are asking according to My will because I have promised wisdom to My children when they ask.  You’ll save yourself a lot of trouble and heartache when you come to Me first – “I AM” here.  Just ask!