March 28, 2024

Hebrews 11-13

What God said to me – Fix your eyes on Me.  This is always the answer no matter what you are facing.  You can get through anything – you can do anything as long as your focus is on Me.  I will guide you.  I will strengthen you.  I will give you peace.  Remember these circumstances are not forever – it is just a moment in eternity.  Even though you may feel overwhelmed and like there is no end, in the overall scheme of things it is just a blink on an eye.  Focus on Me and the joy that is coming.  Know that your steadfastness and endurance are accomplishing a work in you with eternal consequences and that “I AM” rejoicing in your faithfulness.

March 27, 2024

Hebrews 7-10

What God said to me – You are My child.  I saved you and made you My own.  You know this and you say you want to walk with Me and be like Me, but let Me ask you this – where do you spend your time – what do you do the most?  If you truly want to be like Me there is one thing you need to focus on – prayer.   When I walked the earth I spent hours talking to My Father each day – interceding for others, getting direction and just to be refreshed and restored through fellowship with Him.  After My resurrection I sat down at the right hand of My Father and began to constantly intercede for those who I saved forever.  I always live to make intercession for them.  “I AM” your High Prist forever and I intercede for you constantly.  I have made you a priest for Me where you are so you must learn to pray without ceasing for all those I bring into your sphere of influence.  You are never more like Me than when you are praying for others – so pray!

March 26, 2024

Hebrews 1-6

What God said to me – Do you know easy it is to drift?  Think about a leaf in a river – it doesn’t do anything and it drifts.  It is subject to all kinds of outside agents – the wind, the current, even something falling next to it in the water will cause it to move.  Do you know what you have to do to drift away from Me?  Absolutely nothing – just like the leaf.  When you are not anchored to Me you will automatically drift.  Our relationship is active and proactive – you holding on to Me and Me holding on to you – you reaching out to Me and Me reaching out to you.  You must intentionally pay close attention to My word so you don’t drift away from it.  You must intentionally seek Me and ask for guidance and direction.  When you do this moment by moment, day by day, then you never have to worry about drifting away from me or missing My will.