December 23, 2023

Ezekiel 46-48

What God said to me – In that day – the day I come to dwell among you forever – the name of the city will be “the Lord is there.”  Can you imagine such a thing?  It is the day I long for – the day when I will live and reign among you in a world without the chaos and sin it has today.   A day when all will joyfully serve and worship Me and fellowship with Me as I always intended.  Set your heart and mind toward that day.  Live your life with that day in mind.  Keep it in the forefront of your mind in the midst of this evil chaotic age.  “I AM” coming soon.

December 22, 2023

Ezekiel 43-45

What God said to me – During the time when Israel turned away from Me, even most of the priests went astray also.  They led the people in their sin.  But there was one group of priests, the sons of Zadok, who remained faithful.  In the world today, those of you who are Mine are My priests.  Unfortunately there are many of you who have gone astray and fallen into the way of the world.  Don’t be like them.  Be like the sons of Zadok.  Remain a faithful priest to Me in the world.  As you live a faithful life to Me you will teach them the difference between the holy and the profane, between the clean and the unclean by the way you live.  It is not your responsibility to convince them.  It is your responsibility to remain faithful.

December 21, 2023

Ezekiel 40-42

What God said to me – Just as I told Ezekiel to declare to Israel all that he heard and saw, “I AM” telling you the same.  The things I teach you and show you as you walk through life, both good and bad are not just for you so you can grow in faith and grow closer to Me, they are also for the sake of others.  You are to share My faithfulness in your struggles.  You are to come alongside others who are struggling and encourage them by sharing what I did in your life.  When you are faithful in your walk and share your story, I use your faithfulness to carry out My plans in the lives of others.  You become My coworker as you participate and become my partner as you obey.  Let Me use you as a minister to those who are hurting.