August 7, 2024

Joshua 18-19, Psalms 75, Acts 25

What God said to me – The world is becoming more and more polarized.  Conflicting factions declaring if the other is elected the world will descend into total chaos.  Well guess what – the world is descending into total chaos, and no one can stop it.  When I select an appointed time, it is I who judge with equity.  That time is quickly approaching, and no election or party can change that.  “I AM” in control and not them.  They can boast and lift themselves up to no avail – I can and will bring them low.  You must stand firm and trust in Me knowing that “I AM” sovereignly carrying out My plans.  Difficult days are ahead as My judgment approaches.  You must determine that you will live in such a way that you will not be ashamed at My coming.  Don’t get caught up in the hyperbole.  Keep your focus on Me so you can have peace in the midst of it all.

August 6, 2024

Joshua 16-17, Psalms 74, Acts 24

What God said to me – As Paul went about his ministry, he did his best to maintain a good conscience before Me and before men and yet he ended up in prison for his faith.  When you live for Me and strive to maintain a good conscience before Me and please Me you will inevitably offend some people.  There is no way around it because most people refuse to acknowledge Me or live for Me.  What you must constantly guard against is the desire to be accepted by people so much that you compromise your faith.  It is easy to do because you see these people and live among them.  Although I live in you, you can’t physically see Me so its easy to give in to those you can see.  Also because you know that “I AM” a forgiving God you can be willing to compromise for expediency’s sake, thinking you can come to Me for forgiveness later.  That is never pleasing to Me and there are far reaching consequences for such sin.  You must determine now whom you will serve and remain steadfast in your walk if you want to hear Me say “well done”.

August 5, 2024

Joshua 14-15, Psalms 73, Acts 23:19-35

What God said to me – As you look around at the world and you see the wicked prospering and so many of My people struggling and suffering it is easy to lose focus of those things that are truly important and to desire what they have.  Many people who are truly evil seem to have so much wealth and many people who give me no thought seem to prosper while My people face many difficulties and trials.  It seems so unfair but that is because you are looking at the world through temporal eyes and not eternal.  It is easy to become bitter or angry about your circumstances.  But when you purposefully seek Me and worship Me in Spirit and in Truth, I help you to see the world through eternal eyes rather than temporal ones.  You begin to understand that My promise to you of an abundant life was not necessarily for wealth and prosperity but for joy and peace and My Presence as you encounter various trials and difficulties.  You begin to see that while their lives now may seem easy, they will ultimately come to destruction for their rejection of Me, but you will experience eternal joy and peace in My Presence.