July 29, 2024

Joshua 1, Psalms 68:1-19, Acts 19:23-41

What God said to me – As I was speaking with Joshua in preparation to lead the people across the Jordan into the promised land, I admonished him over and over to be strong and courageous.  You see walking with Me is not easy – it requires courage to face the things you will face, especially in the world today.  Just as Israel was going to fight many battles as they entered the land, you will also face many battles.  You will face cultural and spiritual wars and it will not be easy to stand strong and not compromise – it’s easier just to stay silent and not speak against the sin and evil in society.  I will tell you what I also told Joshua – don’t let My word depart from your mouth but meditate on it day and night – be careful to do all that I say – the world can refute your words but when you speak My word then their argument is with Me. “I AM” with you and will lead you but you must remain strong and courageous.  This time with Me is where I prepare you and give you the power to stand.

July 28, 2024

Deuteronomy33-34, Psalms 67, Acts 19:1-22

What God said to me – Not everyone who says they are a Christian are Mine.  Many who have grown up in a religious tradition claim to be Mine but in reality they are not.  After hearing My word for so long and not responding in repentance and confession they have been hardened and are disobedient.  Like the nation of Israel they are stubbornly set in their ways, claiming to be religious but living quite differently than My true disciples.  These people drive others from Me rather than leading them to Me.  You need to walk with Me with an open mind and open heart and let Me teach you what it means to be truly Mine.  My followers are kind yet still uncompromising in what is truth.  They are steadfast and faithful not just in their relationship with Me but with others also.  What about you?  This time with Me will help you to be sensitive to others and to minister with love and kindness rather than with legalistic religion.

July 27, 2024

Deuteronomy 31-32, Psalms 66, Acts 18

What God said to me – “I AM” a Father who loves His children.  Because I love My children, I discipline them for their good.  The thing that usually comes to mind when you hear discipline is punishment but punishment is usually a very small part of discipline.  When you hear discipline – think training.  “I AM” training My children so they are prepared and able to carry out the ministry and plans I have for them.  Like the drill sergeant who makes his soldiers run for miles carrying a heavy pack – he is not punishing them, he is training and conditioning them for what is ahead.  So when I place a burden or trial in your life turn to Me for instruction and training, trusting that “I AM” at work disciplining you for what is to come.  This time with Me is very important for your preparation and training so make it a priority in your daily walk.