July 26, 2024

Deuteronomy 29-30, Psalms 65, Acts 17

What God said to me – I have made every nation that lives on the face of the earth and have determined their appointed times and boundaries.  I elevate some to positions of power and diminish others.  Don’t be concerned or frightened when you see things change and the chaos surrounding those changes.  You can know for certain that “I AM” behind it all and orchestrating the events to fulfill My plan.  You can see the upheaval in elections and parties and populations but be assured that “I AM” allowing all of it and moving the world to its final conclusion and judgment.  Pray for those I have called to come to Me quickly.  Pray for Israel to repent and turn to Me for their salvation.  Pray for My will to be done on earth as it is in heaven.  Then sit back and watch Me fulfilling My plan trusting that “I AM” truly sovereign.

July 25, 2024

Deuteronomy 28, Psalms 64, Acts 16:19-40

What God said to me – In your life you are going to face many difficulties and trials and challenges – some very difficult and even life threatening and some minor inconveniences and irritations.  How are you going to respond in each situation?  It really should be the same no matter how difficult or how minor the circumstance.  It should be one of praise and thanksgiving and trust that “I AM” at work in your life.  Paul and Silas were in a difficult life-threatening situation and yet they were praising Me and singing hymns and in doing so they were making an impact on others around them – the other prisoners were listening.  Don’t forget that others are always watching you to see how you respond.  Do you snap at the store clerk over a perceived offense or are you kind and gracious?  Do you tell the doctors and nurses that “I AM” your healer and you are grateful for how “I AM” using them to minister?  Your responses are revelations of your actual spiritual walk.  How are you doing?

July 24, 2024

Deuteronomy 27, Psalms 63, Acts 16:1-24

What God said to me – I rarely reveal My will to My children all at once – it is usually step by step as you walk with Me and obey Me.  I use each step along the way to train you and to prepare you for what is to come.  It is not a game of hide and seek where you look and look and hopefully find it at some point.  I lead you and reveal My will step by step as we walk together.  Look at Paul. I led him to Derbe and Lystra and there he met Timothy who joined them on their missionary journey.  I led them through the regions of Phrygia and Galatia but I told them not to speak there.  I led them to Mysia but when they tried to go north to Bithynia I stopped them and told them to go to Troas where they received instructions to go on to Macedonia.  They didn’t miss My will – they found it as they followed Me and obeyed.  So don’t worry that you might somehow miss My will.  I won’t let that happen.  As you are faithful to follow Me step by step, “I AM” faithful to lead you.