July 23, 2024

Deuteronomy 25-26, Psalms 62, Acts 15:19-41

What God said to me – When you face various trials and difficulties where do you run?  Do you run to your family and friends for help or for prayer?  This is not a bad thing because you do need help and support and encouragement.  But if your first reaction is not to cry out to Me, you need to stop and repent.  “I AM” your Father.  “I AM” your very present help in time of need.  “I AM” the One who is carrying out a plan for your life that is for your good and My glory.  Whatever the issue is, you need to bring it to Me first.  I will comfort you and guide you and give you a peace and a perspective that no one else can.  I will let you know what you are to do next – if you should go to others for help or prayer or if you should just wait for Me.  The order is important, and it reveals where your faith truly is – come to Me first and let Me lead you.

July 22, 2024

Deuteronomy 23-24, Psalms 61, Acts 15:1-21

What God said to me – My word is inherently powerful and can change the hearts and minds of men when they believe it.  Church doctrine or the traditions of denominations is not what changes people – many times when it is not based on My word it does just the opposite – it repels people.  So when you have an opportunity to share your faith don’t talk about what your church teaches or believes – share what My word actually says.  The problem is that so many of you can share about your church or your preacher but you are unable to accurately handle My word.  It’s called the word of truth for a reason.  In this chaotic world of ever-changing ethics and values, people are longing to hear the truth so they have something to hold onto and to base their lives on it.  So use this time with Me in My word so I can teach you to accurately handle it and to share with those who so desperately need to hear it.

July 21, 2024

Deuteronomy 21-22, Psalms 60, Acts 14

What God said to me – Today many false preachers and teachers spew a message of wealth, health, and prosperity as a normal way of life for My children and that all you have to do to experience this perfect life is to believe.  Yet I told My children that in this world they would have tribulation.  When I told you that My plan for you was for your good and My glory I didn’t mean that only “good” things would happen to you but that I would work all the things that happened to you, both “good” and “bad”, for your good.  The message of health, wealth, and prosperity by these false teachers is enticing but it is also discouraging when your life doesn’t turn out that way.  Part of your responsibility as a member of My family is to come alongside your brothers and sisters and like Paul encourage them to continue in the faith no matter what they are going through and to be there to lift them up when they falter.