June 21, 2024

Numbers 8-9, Psalms 31, Luke 20:20-47

What God said to me – On the day the tabernacle was erected a cloud covered it and it was covered continuously by a cloud during the day and by fire during the night.  The cloud and the fire were the visible signs of My presence and My assurance that I was always with them.  Today I don’t live in a building, I live in My people.  You are My tabernacle and on the day of your salvation, the day you became My tabernacle, My Spirit came to indwell you continuously and permanently.  He is the sign that you are Mine and He seals you for Me.  I will never leave you nor forsake you.  Just as I gave My people, Israel, direction about when to stay or where to go by moving the cloud, I also give you direction through My Spirit.  Stay in My word.  Pray continuously.  Spend much time with Me and you will learn My voice.  I will tell you when to go and when to stay and where to go and where to stay.  You want to know My will?  You want to know how to please Me?  This is how you do it.

June 20, 2024

Numbers 7, Psalms 30, Luke 20:1-26

What God said to me – I gave Moses detailed instructions on the tent of meeting – what was to be in it – how to set it up – how to take it down – how to transport it from place to place.  Did you notice that when they transport it that all of the physical structure, the boards and poles and coverings, were all packed up and carried in wagons.  But the most holy things – the altar, the lampstand, the table of incense, the table of shewbread and the ark and mercy seat were carried on their shoulders.  They were special and required personal care and reverence.  You are now My temple.  You can listen to preachers and teachers and podcasts and go to all kinds of spiritual meetings, but like the holy things in the temple there are some things that are personal in your spiritual walk and must be done by you – your salvation – prayer – time in My word – spending time with Me.  If you want to grow in grace and become a mature believer, it requires time alone with Me.

June 19, 2024

Numbers 5-6, Psalms 29, Luke 19:28-48

What God said to me – When I came to earth the first time, most people did not recognize Me or acknowledge Me.  Although they had ears, they did not hear and they had eyes but they could not see.  They sought religion but didn’t seek Me.  However those who were truly seeking Me found Me and they hung on My every word.  What about you?  Do you cling to religion or do you seek Me?  Do you cling to My word like it is your very life blood or do you go about your day with little thought of Me or My word?  If you truly wany a deep relationship with Me you can’t just tip your hat to Me on Sunday.  You must be actively seeking Me day by day, moment by moment.  To do that you must stay in My word – eat it up – digest it – live by it – pray it.  My word never returns void.  It is life and blessing to those who cling to it.