June 18, 2024

Numbers 4, Psalms 28, Luke 19:1-27

What God said to me – What are you doing with the gifts I have given you?  Are you using them for My glory?  Now is the time to invest in My kingdom.  Don’t wait until later when you have more time because you will never have “more” time.  If you are not willing to take the time today to seek Me, to serve Me, to fellowship with Me, you most likely will not in the future.  Don’t be like the unfaithful servant who hoarded the mina I gave him.  Invest in My kingdom where I have placed you with your time, talent and wealth – whatever it is.  You don’t have to have a lot of talent or wealth – you just need the willingness and faithfulness to do it and I will bless and reward your efforts.

June 17, 2024

Numbers 3, Psalms 27, Luke 18:31-43

What God said to me – Waiting is hard especially when you see no change or movement towards your prayer being answered.  It’s easy to give up and believe it’s never going to happen.  So what do you do when the waiting seems to just go on and on?  You seek My face.  You turn to Me and spend even more time with Me and in My word.  Waiting is the time I can work in you and prepare you for what is to come if you’ll do this.  Waiting time can become a very special time when you use it to seek Me more.  This is the time when I grow and increase your faith and teach you deeper truths so sit at My feet and listen and study and devote yourself to Me.

June 16, 2024

Numbers 2, Psalms 26, Luke 18 :1-30

What God said to me – It is not easy when you have prayed for something – for someone – day after day, month after month, year after year and you see no change – no answer to your prayers.  Don’t lose heart.  Continue to pray.  It’s not eloquent words I respond to but to your heart, to your heartfelt longing.  Don’t be like a little child who asks for something because of an ad he saw but forgets about it when a new commercial comes on.  When I lay someone or something on your heart, pray continually and don’t give up until you see Me work.  Even then, you shouldn’t stop – your prayer should turn to thanksgiving and praise.  When your prayers have been unanswered for so long, don’t stop but look forward to this time of thanksgiving and praise and joy that is coming and express your gratitude for what is coming.  Don’t be disheartened for “I AM” at work in My perfect time you will see the results.  Keep praying.