June 9, 2024

Leviticus 17-18, Psalms 19, Luke 12:21-59

What God said to me – The world is in chaos and people are troubled.  There is a sense of uneasiness even among those who know Me.  It’s as if the world senses that it can’t go on much longer the way it is going.  This presents a unique opportunity for you as My child to share not only about the coming judgment but to also share about the hope you have in Me.  You must be in constant prayer and be alert to opportunities to witness as people express their fear and worries.  You may not know the day or the hour, but you can analyze the times.  My word gives abundant clues about what is to occur in the last days.  Your prayer and study of My word should take on a sense of urgency.  Time is coming to an end quickly.  There are still some who will be saved when presented the opportunity.  Look for them.  Pray for them.  Share with them.

June 8, 2024

Leviticus 15-16, Psalms 18, Luke 12 :1-32

What God said to me – I have always taken care of you and provided for you and yet you still worry.  You are valuable to Me and I have and will continue to provide all you need for life and godliness.  I have placed you where I have placed you for a reason.  Use the things I have given you to minister to others.  This brings Me glory.  Possessions are just temporal “stuff” but I can use them to minister to others and bring glory to My name when you surrender them to Me.  You can’t control world situations or the stock market or financial upheaval, but you can trust Me knowing “I AM” sovereign over it all.  Trust Me for your stability and don’t put your trust in your finances.  Turn it all over to Me and let Me give you peace.

June 7, 2024

Leviticus 14, Psalms 17, Luke 11 :29-54

What God said to me –  As you read through the detail of the Law you are overwhelmed by the detail and complexity of it – eat this, don’t eat that, peace offerings, sin offerings, sprinkle blood here, don’t touch that -you wonder why I would have the priests  and the people do through such complex rituals that are impossible to remember to do.  That is exactly the response I want you to have.  It is impossible for you or anyone else to do all the Law requires.  It is impossible for your sin to be cleansed and to walk in the holiness I require apart from Me.  “I AM” the only way for you to be cleansed of sin.  “I AM” the one who transforms you and makes you holy.  What the Law could never do, I did.  Stop focusing so much on the “doing” and walk with Me.  That’s what this lifelong conversation is all about.