Leviticus 13, Psalms 16, Luke 11 :1-28
What God said to me – I know there are things you have prayed about for a long time and you still have not seen the answer. Don’t be discouraged, instead cry out to Me even more. Examine your request – are you praying according to My will? If you are then you can know that “I AM” at work even though you are not seeing it so keep praying! When you pray according to My will you are partnering with Me to accomplish My purpose. When you continue to pray according to My will you are trusting that “I AM” in control and that My plan will be accomplished. Don’t give up because “I AM” at work not just in the person you are praying for, but “I AM” also at work in you to build your faith. Don’t give up. Be persistent in your prayer. Your faithfulness will be rewarded.