June 6, 2024

Leviticus 13, Psalms 16, Luke 11 :1-28

What God said to me – I know there are things you have prayed about for a long time and you still have not seen the answer.  Don’t be discouraged, instead cry out to Me even more.  Examine your request – are you praying according to My will?  If you are then you can know that “I AM” at work even though you are not seeing it so keep praying!  When you pray according to My will you are partnering with Me to accomplish My purpose.  When you continue to pray according to My will you are trusting that “I AM” in control and that My plan will be accomplished.  Don’t give up because “I AM” at work not just in the person you are praying for, but “I AM” also at work in you to build your faith.  Don’t give up.  Be persistent in your prayer.  Your faithfulness will be rewarded.

June 5, 2024

June 5

Leviticus 11-12, Psalms 15, Luke 10:21-42

What God said to me – You can become so wrapped up in your doing “for” Me that you neglect actually being “with” Me.  There are many day-to-day things that need to be done in order to survive in the world – food, clothing, shelter.  But don’t let these things distract you from our relationship.  Even ministry can be a distraction from our relationship when your focus is on the doing and not on Me.  That is why you need to include Me in all you do.  This lifelong conversation is not just a timeout of your day to seek Me, it is an ongoing seeking and talking and listening and including Me as you go about the things you need to do.  This is how you seek Me with all of your heart, soul, mind, and strength.  This is how you choose the good part as Mary did and not the busy part as Martha did.

June 4, 2024

June 4

Leviticus 9-10, Psalms 14, Luke 10:1-24

What God said to me – You have had many blessings in your life and it is good to rejoice in them and to express your gratitude for all I have done for you.  But the greatest cause for rejoicing and gratitude is that your name is recorded in heaven.  It’s easy to get bogged down in the temporal and material things of this world, but never forget – they are just that – temporary.  These are not the things that will last. Focus on the eternal and not the temporary.  Spend your time and energy and focus more on eternal things.  In the midst of the temporal be looking for how to make it eternal.  Look for opportunities to share and minster in your day-to-day life and activities. I can use temporal activities to bring about eternal blessing when your focus is on Me and not just on the things you do.  Include Me in all you do and I’ll use you to minister to others even through seemingly worldly activities.