June 3, 2024

June 3

Leviticus 7-8, Psalms 13, Luke 9:35-62

What God said to me – I have given you My word and My Spirit so you have all you need for life and godliness.  But you must devote yourself to spend time in My word reading and studying and meditating on it.  There are deep truths that can only be learned through spending much time and seeking My Spirit to enlighten you.  I told My disciples of My ultimate death at the hands of men but they didn’t truly understand until much later.  They understood some after My resurrection but it wasn’t until after My ascension and the gift of My Spirit that they truly began to grasp the truth and the implications of what occurred.  My Spirit is your teacher also and He will lead you into all truth.  Devote yourself to My word and seek My Spirit constantly and He will transform your life.

June 2, 2024

June 2

Leviticus 5-6, Psalms 12, Luke 9:1-36

What God said to me – As much as you love Me and try to serve Me, you still have no idea of the depth of the sacrifice I made on your behalf to justify you in My sight.  In the Law I gave an entire sacrificial system to cover many types of sin, both intentional and unintentional.  In your daily walk you are careful not to intentionally sin and when you do, you repent quickly.  It is the unintentional sin that you commit that builds up and you have no idea that you have offended Me – a thoughtless word or action that you do and you never realize the implications.  My sacrifice covers you totally, once for all but you must still seek My Spirit and ask Him to show you so you can repent and not allow unintentional sin to hinder our relationship.  You must continually walk in such a way that your faithfulness is apparent.

June 1, 2024

June 1

Leviticus 3-4, Psalms 11, Luke 8:22-56

What God said to me – I know there are times in your life when you wonder where “I AM” and why “I AM” not doing something. You feel like My eyes are closed and I don’t even see you or your difficulties. How you respond in these times shows the depths of your faith. Do you really trust Me when I say that I’ll never leave you or forsake you? Do you really believe that all I do in your life is for your good and My glory? The disciples cried out to Me in the midst of the storm but the way they did it revealed their lack of faith. Rather than cry out “Lord I’m dying, save me”, a prayer of faith would say “I trust that You are at work in me – show me what You are doing and how I should respond.” The difference is subtle, but it reveals a great deal about where you are spiritually. When you respond this way you demonstrate a deep and abiding faith that “I AM” in control of your life.