May 14, 2024

Exodus 9-10, Job 35, James 4

What God said to me – You look at the world – at those in power and you wonder how in the world they cannot see what is happening – how their mandates are causing chaos and the breakdown of society.  Look at the example of Pharaoh.  He caused the total destruction of his country because of his pride and arrogance.  But I also used his pride and arrogance to accomplish My purpose and carry out My plan for My people.  In the same way “I AM” using those in power today to accomplish My purposes and plans.  They in their arrogance think they  have the power to fix everything and yet it is the opposite.  You can take comfort in spite of ungodly leaders and chaos in the world that “I AM” using them to accomplish My will.  Don’t be dismayed by election results or ungodly laws or people with no restraint.  Look to Me and trust that “I AM” at work even now.

May 13, 2024

Exodus 7-8, Job 34, James 3

What God said to me – Listening very rarely gets anyone into trouble or causes hurt or harm, but speaking is another matter.  It is so easy to blurt out something in anger or trying to be funny or to give an opinion and cause hurt or ill feelings.  That is why I said to you to be quick to hear but slow to speak.  People long for someone who will actually listen to them.  Most of the time they don’t want or expect answers or solutions, they just want the caring and empathy of being heard.  Sometimes the greatest gift you can give someone is to stop talking and just listen.  As you listen, think and pray for wisdom, not just for you, but for them.  Learn to submit your tongue to Me and let Me guide you as to what to say or not to say.  You’ll find your friendships deepening and your faith growing as you trust Me for wisdom.

May 12, 2024

Exodus 5-6, Job 33, James 2

What God said to me – How do you respond when things don’t turn out the way you wanted or expected when you prayed?  Do you give up and turn away from Me?  Do you pout or say “why me”?  Or do you turn to Me like Moses did and say it is getting worse what now?  Or like Job do you say I cannot see You in any direction but I know You know the way I take and I know when You have tried me I will come forth as gold?  This is when you need to hold on to Me and trust that “I AM” at work even though you can’t see Me or feel Me.  You must hold fast to My path and not turn aside.  Treasure My word and trust that I will perform what is appointed for you and it will be good for you and bring glory to Me.