May 2, 2024

Genesis 38-39, Job 23, Mark 14:43-72

What God said to me – When you are overcome by sadness and feeling like your prayers will never be answered look up – look up to Me.  I have not abandoned you and I never will.  I have already answered your prayer and you will see it and experience it at the proper time.  I always do what I say I will do and what I do is for your good and My glory.  I will perform those things that are appointed for you so trust Me.  This darkness you feel is momentary because joy will come as you walk with Me and trust Me.  Joy is never based on your circumstances but is based on Me.  As you look to Me and trust My word you will feel the darkness pass and the joy return.  Turn your focus to Me and away from your concerns.  Worship Me and you will gain new perspective.

May 1, 2024

Genesis 37, Job 22, Mark 14:1-42

What God said to me – You must learn not to judge people, even yourself, by the good and bad things that happen.  The natural tendency is to think when something bad happens you are being punished and when something good happens you are being blessed.  You must remember that My ways are not your ways.  Look at Joseph, Job, and Jesus.  Each one had really bad things happen to them and yet none of it was for punishment.  I used each “bad” thing to teach them or to move them where I wanted them to be so I could accomplish My purposes and fulfill My plan.  I was glorified in each one as they accepted My sovereignty in their lives and they cooperated in accomplishing My purposes.  Godliness is not just the result of actions, but of attitude and heart.  I work all things together for your good.

April 30, 2024

Genesis 36, Job 21, Mark 13

What God said to me – Each one of you who are Mine has a task, a ministry, a purpose, and I have gifted you and prepared you to fulfill it.  This time spent with Me is in great part that preparation as I teach you and direct you and prepare you.  Your part is to be faithful and devoted to this time and to stay alert and ready to minister as I direct you.  You never know when an opportunity for ministry will present itself so you must stay alert so you can be obedient to minister as I reveal opportunities to you.  I have given you eyes to see and ears to hear and a spirit to discern but you must be on alert, always ready to obey as I direct.