April 29, 2024

Genesis 34-35, Job 20, Mark 12:28-44

What God said to me – Centuries ago I promised a land to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and that promise has never changed.  I always do what I say I will do.  I gave them the land and promised them they would become a great nation and you see it today.  Know this – no matter what you hear or see, Israel is Mine and that will never change.  “I AM” faithful always.  Israel is a sign to you of My faithfulness.  When you are struggling or unsure and you begin to lose faith and hope, remember Israel.  I disciplined her for her good to bring her back to Me, but I have always loved her and I will not forsake her forever.  You are also Mine and no matter what you feel or think, that will never change.  I love you and will not forsake you.  Any trial or discipline or persecution is but for a moment – My love is forever.

April 28, 2024

Genesis 32-33, Job 19, Mark 12:1-27

What God said to me – Jesus told the Pharisees and Sadducees ‘Is this not the reason you are mistaken, that you do not understand the scriptures or the power of God?”  The same is true today.  People do not understand the scriptures or the power I have.  The reason is that spiritual things are spiritually discerned.  In order to understand they must have My Spirit and seek Him for understanding and direction.  Apart from this they are on their own and make it up as they go.  It is easy to justify sin when My word is disregarded and My power is denied.  When people see Me as powerless they can live however they desire with no fear.  Even many of my own children don’t know My word and see Me as far away and disengaged so they go along with the world.  In order to understand the scripture and My power you must spend time in My word and time with Me asking questions seeking enlightenment and understanding.  You must be wholly devoted to Me.

April 27, 2024

Genesis 31, Job 18, Mark 11

What God said to me – Speaking the truth will not exempt you from trials or persecution – many times it will bring them about because the world does not want to hear truth.  They only want you to agree with them.  The truth causes people to have to make a choice.  To accept the truth requires repentance and change.  To accept the truth means people have to acknowledge they have been wrong.  The problem is that people have been deceived by the enemy to believe they are standing for what is right, what is fair, what is just.  They have exchanged My truth for the enemy’s lie.  They have been deluded and so they are very sincere in their ungodly views.  You stand firm in the truth.  It will not be easy.  Cling to the knowledge that this delusion is another sign that “I AM” coming soon.  Remain steadfast and keep looking up for your redemption is drawing nigh.