April 26, 2024

Genesis 30, Job 27, Mark 10:28-52

What God said to me – My Son shared with His disciples very specifically about what was to happen to Him – how He was to suffer and be abused and killed and then resurrected.  But He didn’t know about these things because He was omniscient.  Although He was God, He became man with all of the limitations of man so while He walked on earth He was not omniscient or omnipresent or all powerful.  He was in every sense a man just like you.  He knew all that was going to happen to Him because He spent much time with Me and I told Him what was going to occur.  He had a lifelong conversation while He was on earth just like you.  As you devote much time to our relationship, I will speak to you and teach you in the same way.  I will reveal Myself to you as I did to My son.

April 25, 2024

Genesis 28-29, Job 16, Mark 10:1-31

What God said to me – You’ve read My word so much that it’s easy to think you know it and to speed through the familiar passages and then you wonder why “I AM” not speaking.  It’s not that “I AM” not speaking but that you are not listening.  In order to really hear from Me you’ve got to slow down and spend time with Me.  This time together is not just reading scripture and then moving on to the important things you need to do. It is a time of fellowship and worship – of Me teaching you and you asking questions.  It is a time of revealing Myself to you as you slow down and seek Me.  It is a time of sharing and conversation back and forth as we speak to each other.  This conversation was never intended to be one-sided.  “I AM” the best listener you will ever talk to as you share your heart with Me.  “I AM” also the wisest friend you will ever have so stop and listen also.

April 24, 2024

Genesis 27, Job 15, Mark 9:30-50

What God said to me – Waiting is difficult because you are trapped in time and your perspective is limited to the temporal rather than the eternal.  You pray and pray about things that concern you and it seems as if time slows even more as you watch for change and answered prayer.  It’s not that “I AM” slow about answering your prayers or about implementing My plans because My timing is perfect.  It’s your perspective that is flawed and hindered by your humanity.  So, when you become anxious or discouraged because things are not happening and your prayers are not answered, begin to pray and ask Me to change your perspective so you can see from an eternal perspective rather than a temporal one.  Praise Me for My perfect timing in all things and you will begin to experience peace rather than anxiety and discouragement as you wait for answers.