April 17, 2024

Genesis 15-16, Job 8, Mar 5:21-43

What God said to me – Like Job’s friends, everyone has an opinion about why things go wrong in your life or even why you don’t have great blessings.  You are the same way sometimes.  The natural tendency is to think when something bad happens that you are being punished for wrong you have done and when something good happens that you are being blessed for the good you have done.  This misunderstanding is because people do not know Me or understand how I work.  When persecution came to the early church, the gospel was spread throughout the world.  When Jarius’ daughter died, I was able to use it to show My power and bring people to believe by raising her from the dead.  I use all things, good and bad, to work in your life and bring glory to My name.  I use both bad and good things to draw people to Me.  As you walk with Me day by day, moment by moment, you will see this happening.  You must learn to glorify Me in all things, good and bad, because “I AM” always at work in your life.

April 16, 2024

Genesis 13-14, Job 7, Mark 5:1-20

What God said to me – You have many choices in your life – some major, some minor, some obvious, some not so obvious.  Some of the seemingly minor choices end up having major consequences.  So how do you decide?  When offered a choice of the land by Abram, Lot chose based on looks, by what seemed to be the best and most prosperous, but he ended up in a world of trouble.  So how should you decide?  This is where your consistent walk with Me will be beneficial to you.  When you are constantly walking with Me and conversing with Me, you are discussing your life with Me and seeking My guidance.  I will direct your path exactly where I want you to go so no matter what these choices bring you, you will know you are in My will and “I AM” working My good pleasure in your life.

April 15, 2024

Genesis 11-12, Job 6, Mark 4:26-41

What God said to me – I will bless those who bless you and I will curse the one who curses you – those were My words to Abram before I made him into a great nation and nothing has changed.  “I AM” the same yesterday, today and forever.  I have not disowned Israel and I never will – they are still the apple of My eye. I have disciplined them for a time for their disobedience and idolatry but the day is coming when they will return to Me crying out in repentance and sorrow.  “I AM” at work drawing them back to Me.  Watch Me carry out My plan.  Pray for Israel to repent and return to Me.  My plan is being carried out and will soon be culminated.  As I told My disciples in the garden as the end approached – watch and pray.  I tell you the same today – watch and pray.  “I AM” at work.